Title: RE: [xacml] xacml model subcommittee - Jan.28 concall Hi, Yes, I can lead today's discussion. I hope a reasonable number are able to dial in... Carlisle. ---------- From: Pierangela Samarati[SMTP:
samarati@pinky.crema.unimi.it] Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:56 AM To:
xacml@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [xacml] xacml model subcommittee - Jan.28 concall Agenda for the Policy Subcommittee 28 January concall ===================================================== Hi sorry i missed the F2F. Waiting for the document summarizing the outcome of the face to face, tonight's concall will be devoted (as agreed in LA) to the following topics: 1) SAML encapsulation of XACML policies (resolution 4) 2) Arithmetic and interval operators on types in XACML expressions. Since neither Ernesto not myself will be here tonight (probably also others will be also be still on travel), Carlisle will be leading the discussion. Carlisle, could you please confirm? best -p