This file contains the specification only, in PDF.
WD10 contains the following changes:
-Import XACML 3.0 WD03 schema
-Import XACML 2.0 schemas from xacml/, not xacml/2.0
-Moved "Managing WS-XACML Policies as Part of the Enterprise" and "Other
Web Services-related XACML Topics" to non-normative main body section,
since Appendix is not indexed
-Added cross-references to relevant sections in the Conformance section
-Made Introduction non-normative up to the Terminology section
-Made Section 2 normative, as it describes the evaluation and matching
semantics of all XACML Assertions.
-Added non-normative "Privacy-preserving Policy Negotiation Protocol"
section to the XACMLPrivacyAssertion section.
-- Anne Anderson
The document named Web Services Profile of XACML (WS-XACML) Version 1.0,
pdf specification only (xacml-3.0-profile-webservices-spec-v1-wd-10-en.pdf)
has been submitted by Anne Anderson to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control
Markup Language (XACML) TC document repository.
Document Description:
A Profile of XACML for use in a Web Services policy context.
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-OASIS Open Administration