OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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RE: [xacml] Minutes of focus group meeting - 27th Feb 2003

  • 1.  RE: [xacml] Minutes of focus group meeting - 27th Feb 2003

    Posted 02-28-2003 23:45
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    Subject: RE: [xacml] Minutes of focus group meeting - 27th Feb 2003

    As IBM and others have stated before, we believe that policy is a broader
    topic and is out of scope of any existing OASIS TC, also IBM and others
    believe that policy needs to be done under RF terms.
    Anthony Nadalin | work 512.436.9568 | cell 512.289.4122
    |         |           Tim Moses        |
    |         |           <tim.moses@entrus|
    |         |           t.com>           |
    |         |                            |
    |         |           02/27/2003 01:01 |
    |         |           PM               |
      |                                                                                                                                              |
      |       To:       Tim Moses <tim.moses@entrust.com>, "'XACML'" <xacml@lists.oasis-open.org>                                                    |
      |       cc:                                                                                                                                    |
      |       Subject:  RE: [xacml] Minutes of focus group meeting - 27th Feb 2003                                                                   |
    Addendum ...
    Anne reminded me that Maryann Hondo has also indicated her desire to
    participate in the WSPL activity.
    Bill Parducci contacted me to indicate that he and Geff Hanoian of Overxeer
    are interested in participating in the LDAP binding work.  He is also
    interested in working on an RDBMS schema.
    All the best.  Tim.