OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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using the xacml obligation mechanism for service request or response rewrite

  • 1.  using the xacml obligation mechanism for service request or response rewrite

    Posted 09-09-2010 20:58

  • 2.  RE: [xacml] using the xacml obligation mechanism for service request or response rewrite

    Posted 09-09-2010 22:44

    So, the business rule is apparently something like this:  “a user’s attributes determine the type of records he can see”.

    And you are implementing this: “a user’s attributes determine the type of query he can make”.

    You do this by rewriting the query based on obligations returned from a XACML request.

    If you were directly implementing the business rule you would filter the query result set (perhaps by using a multi-decision XACML request).  But you fear the performance impact of this is too great (certainly it would be slower than the SQL query—but have you actually demonstrated that it would be too slow?).

    Here’s another option.  Instead of asking for a decision on the WS request, ask for a decision on the WS response.  The XACML request, in human language, would be like “can user X see a list of building records?”.  The XACML response would come back like “Yes, but only those under 1M in value.”  The web app would then be obligated to apply a filter to the response to remove the restricted records—perhaps by applying an XSLT transformation.   The performance would be worse than using a custom SQL query, but probably better than making a multi-decision XACML request.


    From: Jan Herrmann [mailto:herrmanj@in.tum.de]
    Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 15:58
    To: xacml@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [xacml] using the xacml obligation mechanism for service request or response rewrite

    Hi all,

    as promised in the last tecon below some insights in a way how to use xacml’s obligation mechanism in SOA:

    ·      the pep intercepts the communication between the subject und the service – e.g an Web Service request  or response r in format x (ie. r.x)

    ·      the ctx handler transforms the r.x and includes it a xacml decision request in format y (ie. r.y)

    ·      to enforce most of the access rights based on the Web service request there is a need to rewrite the request. additionally some rights need to be enforced through rewrite of the response. in both cases the aim behind the rewrite is to allow the intersection of the indented interaction and the permitted interactions

    ·      the rewrite can be done by rewrite functions defined in obligations that refer to r.y

    ·      a ctx handler receiving rewrite rules transforms r.y (i.e. the representation of the request in the evaluation context) correspondingly. this will result in r.y’

    ·      after the ac process the ctx transforms r.y’ back to the original format x so you get r.x’

    ·      the pep can choose between different options how to proceed

    §  no rewrite --> forward original request | response

    §  rewrite -> forward rewritten Web Service  request|response

    §  rewrite -> deny request, send error msg to user (optinally show him r.x’ to show him the permitted subset of his request)


    request form user in string format:

    r.x :=

    select *

    from Building

    where owner = ’state’

    request form user in xml format as included under <content> in xacml access decision request

    r.y :=






      <where>owner = ’state’</where>


    obligation in a rule that matches:

    - subject.name = alice

    - xpath-node-equal(content-selector, /select[ from/table/text() = Building])


    - functionToCall = addToWhereClauseByAnd

    - argument1 = ‘price < 1,000,000’

    - optional: functionDefInEgJava = public string  addToWhereClauseByAnd(string s){….} //this could allow for flexible obligation-function definition and will still keep interop)

    result in ctx handler after ac process:

    r.y’ :=






    <where>owner = ’state’ AND price < 1,000,000 </where>


    rewritten request in original sql string format:

    r.x’ :=

    select *

    from Building

    where owner = ’state’ AND price < 1,000,000

    The rewritten request implies that the user can only access building data  with a price less than one million. According to this solution it is very useful to allow obligation processing in the ctx handler (which could run on a different machine than the pep). for those that know oracles virtual private database tech. this approach is similar but more flexible, external from the service/dbms implementation and could be standardised

    Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this solution.

    best regards



    Jan Herrmann
    Dipl.-Inform., Dipl.-Geogr. 

    wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

    Technische Universität München
    Institut für Informatik

    Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Informatik / Kooperative Systeme

    Boltzmannstr. 3
    85748 Garching

    Tel:      +49 (0)89 289-18692
    Fax:     +49 (0)89 289-18657


  • 3.  AW: [xacml] using the xacml obligation mechanism for service request or response rewrite

    Posted 09-10-2010 07:12
    Dear Paul,
    thanks for your comments.
    regarding your question:
    "... but have you actually demonstrated that it would be too slow?"
    no but I am pretty sure that the service or dbms will be better in
    evaluating en extended request than an xacml pdp engine that tries to filter
    out certain nodes in the respose. More important is the fact that with our
    use cases we have various types of services and they support all kinds of
    operations (e.g. delete or insert operations). so changing the example given
    in the last mail to an delete request  highlights the need for the
    obligation based rewrite mechanism. 
    Another aspect related to the location, were to enforce obligations. If you
    have obligations referring to XACML evaluation context attributes than the
    pep will not have access to the attributes. thus the context handler has at
    least to pre-process the obligation to dereference selectors/designators
    used to instantiate an attribute in the obligation's