OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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J2SE[TM] XACML Policy Provider

  • 1.  J2SE[TM] XACML Policy Provider

    Posted 08-12-2003 19:35
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xacml message

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    Subject: J2SE[TM] XACML Policy Provider

    My proposal for implementing a Java[TM] 2 Standard Edition
    (J2SE[TM]) Policy Provider that will accept XACML policies as the
    policy input can be found at
    This would provide a way for Java applications using the standard
    Java Policy API to use XACML policies and all the good stuff that
    comes along with XACML:
     o dynamic policies,
     o use of arbitrary Subject and target attributes
       independent of the application,
     o distributed policies,
     o policies shared between multiple applications,
     o policies shared between Java and non-Java applications,
     o role based access control, and
     o resource labels.
    Comments are requested by the end of August 2003.
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692

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