OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Eve Maler comments on new Draft SAML Profile

  • 1.  Eve Maler comments on new Draft SAML Profile

    Posted 05-12-2006 17:21
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    Subject: Eve Maler comments on new Draft SAML Profile

    I pinged Eve for comments and here is her response.  It looks like 
    everyone is in agreement that we should NOT define XACMLAssertion or 
    XACMLAdvice elements and types.  I will remove those from the next 
    revision, and include Scott's example of how to embed a new statement 
    type in a SAML Assertion:
    <saml:Statement xsi:type="xacml-saml:XACMLStatementType">
    As he points out, we don't need to do anything special for the Advice 
    element, since it already allows <any namespace="#other">.
    Anne H. Anderson               Anne.Anderson@sun.com
    Sun Microsystems Labs          1-781-442-0928
    Burlington, MA USA
    --- Begin Message ---
    I'm glad you pinged me...  It seems that, whenever I put a message 
    aside to respond to "later", later never comes!
    Scott is much more experienced with using parsers and SAML APIs in 
    the wild than I am, not to mention having lived through Liberty's 
    first use/extension attempts of SAML, and so I respect his opinion. 
      It seems he's saying two things:
    - It's better to use the original SAML element, with just an 
    xsi:type on it, for common SAML processing semantics (he's a better 
    judge than I on this), and
    - the structural changes you need are well accommodated in most 
    cases by the extensibility and wildcards already provided by SAML (I 
    don't recall having gone into a lot of detail in reviewing your 
    specific changes before).
    I hope my earlier advice didn't lead you to make a whole bunch of 
    expensive design decisions that you now wish to undo...  That said, 
    I think Scott's and others' advice seems sound.
    Anne Anderson wrote:
    > Hi Eve,
    > I would like to ping you on this, as I hope to do another revision in 
    > June.  In the e-mail from you that I appended below, you said "I think 
    > it would be reasonable for XACML to define an element in its own 
    > characteristic namespace and bind this type to it, though, since you 
    > want the whole thing to be easily recognizable for what it is: an 
    > XACML-defined query."  Along those lines, I defined
    >  XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery: holds an XACML Request
    >  XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement: holds an XACML Response and optional copy
    >       corresponding request
    >  XACMLPolicyQuery: requests one or more XACMLpolicies
    >  XACMLPolicyStatement: holds XACML policies
    > I think those are fairly straightforward.
    > More controversially, I defined:
    >  XACMLAssertion: can hold an XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement or
    >       XACMLPolicyStatement or XACMLAdvice
    >  XACMLAdvice: can hold an XACMLAssertion
    > My thinking was that using the XACML... name made it clear that we were 
    > using an extended form of Assertion or Advice.  Scott Cantor, in his 
    > attached e-mail, thinks this is a mistake, as have several others.
    > Could you weigh in?  I am not an XML expert, and don't really have much 
    > experience with it, so I am happy to go whichever way those more expert 
    > recommend.  I may have misinterpreted your suggestion to make these 
    > "easily recognizable for what it is: an XACML-defined []".
    > If you want to see the draft spec and schemas, they are at:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/17672/xacml-2.1-profile-saml2.0-wd-1.zip 
    > but the questions I have should not require delving into the actual 
    > documents.
    > Thanks,
    > Anne
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Subject:
    > RE: Draft new version of the SAML 2.0 Profile of XACML 2.1
    > From:
    > Scott Cantor <cantor.2@osu.edu>
    > Date:
    > Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:23:57 -0400
    > To:
    > Anne.Anderson@sun.com
    > To:
    > Anne.Anderson@sun.com
    > CC:
    > Eve.Maler@Sun.COM
    >>I would appreciate any comments you have.  Some of you have more 
    >>experience using the SAML Profile of XACML than most of the XACML TC 
    >>members, so your expertise will be appreciated.
    > I haven't gone through this in detail yet, but I would strongly urge some
    > significant changes to the schemas. In particular, I think the heavy use of
    > sequence extensions and replacement of SAML elements like Assertion and
    > Advice are the wrong way to approach this kind of extension. It was the same
    > mistake Liberty made originally, but with SAML 1.1 we didn't have the schema
    > right to provide alternatives.
    > You have the basics all there correctly, new Statement types, new Request
    > and Response message types, etc. But that's all you should need to do. The
    > core Assertion and Advice elements are already extensible to include new
    > statement and advice content, and I think it would be a mistake to force
    > these XACML elements to the end of the those sequences, or to replace
    > elements like Assertion with your own. That makes life much harder for SAML
    > applications.
    > It is the case that statement extensions can't natively appear in element
    > form because we got rid of substitution, but that's still the proper way to
    > embed a new statement type:
    > <saml:Statement xsi:type="xacml-saml:XACMLStatementType">
    > With Advice, you don't need anything special, because the choice already
    > includes <any namespace="#other"> in the sequence, so your advice element
    > can appear. But since I'm suggesting you don't want or need an
    > XACMLAssertion element either, you don't really have ny need for anything
    > new in Advice anyway, since Assertions can already appear there.
    > -- Scott
    Eve Maler                                         +1 425 947 4522
    Technology Director                           eve.maler @ sun.com
    CTO Business Alliances group                Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    --- End Message ---

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