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Subject: XPath/AttributeSelector question
Ok. I'm hoping that someone who's more of an XPath hacker than I can
help me with this one.
The 1.x specification says in 5.32 (Element <AttributeSelector>) that
the context node for the given XPath expression is the Request element.
As I understand the term "context node" this means not only that the
Request element is the root of the XPath query, but that the Request
element also provides all namespace information. Is this correct?
The reason I ask is because in the conformance tests one of the test
cases (IIIF007) has an AttributeSelector with an XPath expression that
relies on namespace definitions from the Policy root element. If this is
really valid, then I believe (though I may be wrong) that the text in
5.32 is incorrect or incomplete.
Can someone help me out here?
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