i am flexible. (as long as it is in English :o)
text, html, rtf, pdf, etc. comments/points of interest that submitters
think are particularly relevant should be included (makes it easier for
readers to get to the meat and for me to be able to summarize the
appropriate info).
> "Simon Y. Blackwell" wrote:
> Thanks for responding to the volunteer requests:
> Bill Parducci bill@parducci.net will take on being link editor. Bill,
> please post to the list the format in which you would like to receive
> submissions.
> Krishna Sankar ksankar@cisco.com will be the primary Security Services
> liaison to start.
> fpaynter@sandhilltech.com will be the back-up Security Services
> liaison and take on the glossary.
> We will re-confirm these jobs on the first teleconference. I am in the
> process of setting-up the bridge and will post info to the group when
> it is done.
> Anybody up for taking on making sure we are in sync with the domain
> model of SAML?
> Simon Y. Blackwell
> Psoom, Inc.
> Voice & Fax: 415-762-9787