OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml-glossary] SAML glossary plus additional glossary sources

  • 1.  [xacml-glossary] SAML glossary plus additional glossary sources

    Posted 09-20-2001 14:11
    [I'd had the action a few weeks back to send these pointers to the list, but my
    msg bounced, Ken Yagen subsequently fwd'd it to the list (on 9-Sep, entitled
    "FW: [Fwd: glossary stuff]"), but the msg and it's contents sorta got "buried"
    and so I s'pect folks basically missed it. Here's an effort to summarize and
    followup. ]
    The SAML/xacml glossary doc is here.. 
    A msg to the XACML list defining "meta-policy", "conflict", "conflict
    resolution", et al, along with rationale & references for the definitions and
    usage of those terms.. 
    In addition, folks should take a look at the references section of the
    SAML/xacml glossary doc, as additional sources are identified. Readily available
    and nominally relevant ones are..
    [31] Policy Terminology. Westerinen et al. Work-in-progress INTERNET-DRAFT,
    draft-ietf-policy-terminology-04.txt. Available at:
    [4] Internet Security Glossary. Robert W. Shirey, RFC 2828, May 2000.
    Available at: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2828.txt
    [7] Trust in Cyberspace. Committee on Information Systems Trustworthiness, Fred
    B. Schneider - Editor, National Research Council, ISBN 0-309-06558-5, 1999.
    On-line copy and ordering information available at:
    Glossary: http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/trust/trustapk.htm
    [8] Security Taxonomy and Glossary. Lynn Wheeler, on-going.
    Available at: http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/secure.htm; see
    http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/ for the list of informational sources this glossary
    is drawn from.
    Also worth looking at is section 3 "Architectural Overview" of..
    [12] Authorization (AZN) API. Open Group Technical Standard, C908, ISBN
    1-85912-266-3, January 2000.
    Available at: http://www.opengroup.org/publications/catalog/c908.htm
    aznAPI: section 3 "Architectural Overview" [registration req'd]
    Hope this helps (and gets through this time),