OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  New Topic: Closely Coupled PEP/PDP

    Posted 02-22-2007 23:48
    Prateek asked:
    (2) Is there a performant PEP--> PDP protocol?
    The main challenge here is performance
    Some applications need to make 100s of authorization decisions with low
    latency requirement
    It may not be acceptable to make a network call for each authorization
    XML Marshalling and unmarshalling of 

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] New Topic: Closely Coupled PEP/PDP

    Posted 03-06-2007 14:57
    As discussed on Mar 1 conference call, we are interested in the creation of
    a language-specific authorization API that could interact with a XACML 
    PDP. We can work
    out the exact forum where this work should take place, certainly the 
    is a reasonable choice. We should probably have a broader discussion in 
    this space, including
    for example, the possibility of an open source implementation.
    Regarding the issue of optimization via the return of generalized 
    results from a PDP, while this could be
    left at the vendor level, it may be be helpful to provide a profile that 
    articulates some of the
    issues here.
    - prateek
    > Prateek asked:
    > (2) Is there a performant PEP--> PDP protocol?
    > The main challenge here is performance
    > Some applications need to make 100s of authorization decisions with low
    > latency requirement
    > It may not be acceptable to make a network call for each authorization
    > decision
    > XML Marshalling and unmarshalling of