Hi Bill,
I just noticed that I got the two files mixed up. My email reader was
showing them inline, without file names. I am included in the longer
list called ack.txt.
When you say "superset", do you mean that I should merge these two files
to get the final list?
Also I think Mary complained earlier that the acknowledgements section
in CD-1 mentions people no longer members of the TC, which was not
allowed, if I understood her right.
bill parducci wrote:
> No, you should definitely be in the Acknowledgements page :) Sorry
> about that.
> b
> On Sep 16, 2009, at 12:26 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
>> Bill,
>> One more question. :-) I noticed that I am not listed. Is that
>> because I am the editor? Is that how it should be?
>> I am asking just because it would be slightly easier, and a smaller
>> risk that I make a mistake in editing in this list, if I can use the
>> exact same list for each document, rather than that I have to make
>> changes in the list by moving the editors around.
>> Best regards,
>> Erik
>> bill parducci wrote:
>>> Historically that has been the case (with editor notation varying on
>>> Profiles).
>>> b
>>> On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:30 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
>>>> Thanks Bill,
>>>> Is the list the same for each document?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Erik
>>>> Bill Parducci wrote:
>>>>> Attached are 2 documents. ack.txt is my first cut at the
>>>>> acknowledgements and members.txt is the list of current voting
>>>>> members (with editor annotation). A lot happens during the course
>>>>> of a release of this magnitude so it is highly likely that I
>>>>> missed someone so please looks this over and let me know if there
>>>>> are omissions.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> b
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
>>>>>> The issue number refers to the XLS-sheet found in this email:
>>>>>> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200909/msg00013.html The
>>>>>> list of acknowledgments must be updated. It is my understanding
>>>>>> that it is the task of the chairs to collect the list of of
>>>>>> acknowledged people. Could you do so Bill and Hal? Best regards,
>>>>>> Erik
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