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Subject: Re: [xacml] Change request: separating round, abs,floor and other function.
This is an updated table.
I think we still have issues.
I want to make sure that "single<type>" notation may be able to be
considered explicitly an element of the specified type, i.e. not a list
forced to have an error check for a length of one element.
However, this may allow two different classes of XACML.
I will not allow an expression such as:
<Apply FunctionId="function:round">
<SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="FuelLevel"/>
Because the above is type incorrect, because the type signature of
SubjectAttributeDesignator always returns a sequence. I would be forced to
<Apply FunctionId="function:round">
<Apply FunctionId="function:decimal-first">
<SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="FuelLevel"/>
to get the correct expression.
In places where I care about the length of the result being 1, I would
include in the condition where the above expression appears,
<Apply FunctionId="function:integer-equals">
<Apply FunctionId="function:length">
<SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="FuelLevel"/>
to make sure that the result is a singleton. That is inforced by the rule
logic, and not by ERROR at the time of evaluation.
On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Daniel Engovatov wrote:
> Polar and me came to a conclusion that we need two separate versions of
> this unary transformation functions: integer-to-decimal, decimal-to-integer,
> round, abs, floor: restricting existing ones to require single<type> input
> argument format, not ne_sequence<> as in the current posted table, and one
> requiring sequence<type> as input - map version to be used for the use case
> of transofrming multiple values, to be used in set functions.
> Proposed new names are:
> map-round(sequence<xs:decimal> taking sequence<xs:decimal>), map-abs,
> map-floor, and so on. I will post updated table later today.
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