OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  [xacml] schema-16f

    Posted 08-12-2002 14:16
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] schema-16f

    Modified policy schema according to schema subcomm
    discussion on monday, aug 12
    To summarise policy-16f:
    subject-match (or any other match) matches 1 attribute to 1 value. (always)
    A sequence of subject-match' es (or any other matches) is treated as 'and' between matches (everywhere)
    A sequence of <Subject> elements in the target is treated as 'or' between between <Subject> elements.
    A sequence of <Resource> elements in the target is treated as 'or' between <Resource> elements
    A sequence of <Action> elements in the target is treated as 'or' between <Action> elements
    SubjectAttributeDesignator is like any other attribute designator
    SubjectAttributeDesignatorWhere takes a sequence of subject-match'es
    Apply takes SubjectAttributeDesignatorWhere
    Context-16f did not change but to include policy-16f.
    Simon Godik

    Attachment: draft-xacml-schema-policy-16f.xsd
    Description: text/xml

    Attachment: draft-xacml-schema-context-16f.xsd
    Description: text/xml

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