The document named Web Services Profile of XACML (WS-XACML) Version 1.0
( has been submitted by Anne
Anderson to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC
document repository.
Document Description:
This document specifies ways to use XACML in the context of Web Services
for authorization,
access control, and privacy policies. It specifies a policy Assertion type
based on XACML
elements for use with WS-Policy or other schemas and protocols; standard
formats, matching
semantics, and usage guidelines are provided for this Assertion type. Two
specific Assertions are
derived from this type: XACMLAuthzAssertion for authorization policies
XACMLPrivacyAssertion for privacy policies. The Profile gives non-normative
examples of
how to express P3P policy preferences and match them using the new
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-OASIS Open Administration