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RE: [xacml] [f2f] need to make a decision soon...

  • 1.  RE: [xacml] [f2f] need to make a decision soon...

    Posted 12-19-2001 10:19
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    Subject: RE: [xacml] [f2f] need to make a decision soon...

    Title: RE: [xacml] [f2f] need to make a decision soon...

    Hi Bill,

    Barnabey's is fine with me.


      From:   bill parducci[SMTP:bill@parducci.net]
      Sent:   Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:22 PM
      To:     xacml@lists.oasis-open.org
      Subject:        [xacml] [f2f] need to make a decision soon...

      i know the holidays are approaching for many of you but i need some kind of
      feedback on the next f2f ASAP. my suggestion is that we hold it at the hotel i
      posted in my previous note (barnbey's) during the dates already agreed upon at
      the last concall. i need to do this relatively soon so as to not repeat the
      issue i had at the hilton.

      i don't think that this will affect anyone other than where they call to book a
      room, but i want to make sure before i plunk down a deposit.



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