Hi Tim,
Syntax for variables and variable
Current variable syntax definition needs adjustment
to account for the <condition> element.
I think we should allow variables in target matches
as well. (not yet included).
Two possible alternatives for variable
Alt a: <-- my preference ------ Drop
<condition> element and replace it with the <apply> element. This
makes it easy to create variable def and ref. Note that <condition> and <apply> are of the same type, so change is
The advantage of this approach is simplicity. There
is one element for variable definition and one element for variable
ex 1a: rule with top-level
<apply>: <rule> <target>...</target> <apply
funcid="string-equal">...</apply> </rule>
ex 2a: variable def is used in top-level
apply: <var-def varid="cond1"> <apply
funcid="string-equal">...</apply> </var-def>
<rule> <target>...</target> <var-ref
varid="cond1"/> </rule>
For the rule to be valid, <var-ref> must
resolve into <apply> element. (which it does). Note that the same
variable definition can be reused in top level <apply> and enclosed
<apply> elements.
Alt b: ------- Keep <condition>
element. In addition to existing <variable-def> and <variable-ref> elements create <cond-var-def> and
<cond-var-ref> elements. Then <cond-var-ref> is allowed as an
alternative to <condition> in a rule.
In addition to having more syntactic elements,
disadvantage of this approach is that <cond-var-def> can not be reused
for <variable-def>.
ex 1b: The same as 2a but variable is defined for
<cond-def varid="cond1"> <cond
funcid="string-equal">...</cond> </var-def>
<rule> <target>...</target> <cond-ref
varid="cond1"/> </rule>
Syntactic detail. ----------------- Variable
is defined with the <VariableDef> element. Type of the variable defined by <VariableDef> is determined by the type of enclosed
expression. Name of the variable defined by <VariableDef> is the value
of VariableId attribute of type xs:string.
(By derivation from the apply-core-type) Variable
definition can be applied to any combination of <apply>,
<function>, <attr-value>,
<subj-attr-desig>, <res-attr-desig>, <act-attr-desig>,
<env-attr-desig>, <attr-sel>, and <var-ref>
<xs:element name="VariableDef"
type="xacml:VariableDefType"/> <xs:complexType
name="VariableDefType"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension
base="xacml:ApplyCoreType"> <xs:attribute name="VariableId"
use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
VariableId - required. This is variable
Variable is dereferenced with the
<VariableRef> element. Variable name is defined by the value of
VariableId attribute of type xs:string.
<xs:element name="VariableRef"
type="xacml:VariableRefType"/> <xs:complexType
name="VariableRefType"> <xs:attribute name="VariableId"
type="xs:string"/> </xs:complexType>
VariableId - required. This is variable name. Must
resolve to named variable definition.
(a): ------------------------ Rule schema: <xs:complexType
name="RuleType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element
ref="xacml:Description" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="xacml:Target"
minOccurs="0"/> <xs:choice> <xs:element ref="xacml:Apply"/>
<-- change: <cond> replaced with <apply> <xs:element
ref="xacml:VariableRef"/> <-- new: variable
ref </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute
name="RuleId" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/> <xs:attribute
name="Effect" type="xacml:EffectType"
use="required"/> </xs:complexType>
For the rule to be valid, <VariableRef> must
resolve into <apply> element.
Sequence of <VariableDef> elements is
included as a child of <Policy> element following
<PolicyDefaults> element.
(b). ------------------------------ Rule schema: <xs:complexType
name="RuleType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element
ref="xacml:Description" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="xacml:Target"
minOccurs="0"/> <xs:choice> <xs:element
ref="xacml:Condition"/> <xs:element ref="xacml:CondVarRef"/> <--
new: condition var
reference </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute
name="RuleId" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/> <xs:attribute
name="Effect" type="xacml:EffectType"
use="required"/> </xs:complexType>
<CondVarDef> defines condition variable.
Condition variable can be used only for conditions.
<xs:element name="CondVarDef"
type="xacml:CondVarDefType"/> <xs:complexType
name="CondVarDefType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element
ref="xacml:Condition"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute
name="VariableId" type="xs:string"
use="required"/> </xs:complexType>
VariableId is a name of condition
Condition variable reference is of
<VariableRefType>: <xs:element name="CondVarRef"
Condition variable reference must resolve to named
condition variable.
Sequence of choices between <VariableDef> and
<CondVarDef> elements is included as a child of <Policy> element
following <PolicyDefaults> element.