Rich, I was just addressing 2.2, but looked at the wrong
section to get the line numbers. Thanks for pointing this
2.1 needs a similar adjustment, but since it covers xml and
non-xml resources, we will need to analyze it further.
I believe one cause of the problem is ambiguous use of
the "resource-id" attribute. This might need to be addressed as an issue
by itself.
Hi Paul,
I have interest in this issue, but first need a
clarification. Your problem statement begins by saying:
"The cd-1 Multiple profile, lines 109-111, specifies that the
resource-idattribute in a multiple decision request shall be replaced with
a(possibly) different value when creating individual requests.
The clarification I need is that lines 109-111 in both the
pdf and doc files are part of section 2.1.3, which is part of the section
2.1 "Nodes Identified by Scope". However, the rest of the issue appears
to focus on section 2.2 "Nodes Identified by XPath". Is this intended?
Both sections 2.1.3 and 2.2.3 are similar but not exact, so I'd like to make
Also, this whole mechanism of generating individual requests
raises an issue, not unlike the whole URI discussion we have been having on
issue 11, in the sense that there needs to be a node identifier (resource-id)
generated for each of the individual requests. In principle, this resource-id
theoretically could be anything, but if the resource-id is used by the
policies as a meaningful identifier of the actual resource that is being
evaluated, then there is a real question of what "should" the names of the
individual nodes for which access is being requested be called. Even in the
XPath case as resource-id, one must come up with an XPath that evaluates to a
single node.
As an aside for reference, the general mechanism I have
proposed for the extended URI for section 2.2.1 in the hierarchical profile,
provides exactly this capability of automatically naming any node in an XML
document, with a path to its exact location in the XPath Data Model hierarchy,
as well as the document itself.
The proposal doc is attached to this email:
detailed explanation of how the node names are constructed is in this
I am aware of some of the concerns w the URI proposal, however, I believe it
fills a gap, which for whatever reason, has been left unaddressed by XPath
which is defining an unambiguous identity for each node in the XPath Data
Model. In the particular use case of xacml, where the nodes in the xml
hierarchy are regarded as resources, the issue arises, as it does in the
multiple request profile, of how to "identify" the resources, which is exactly
what XPath does not explicitly provide. The proposed solution is an attempt to
make explicit this identifier by establishing an unambiguous representation of
the node in the XPath Data Model hierarchy, as a URI by resolving the
namespace of the prefixes, and simply then listing the natural hierarchical
Tyson, Paul H wrote:" type="cite">The cd-1 Multiple profile, lines 109-111, specifies that the resource-id
attribute in a multiple decision request shall be replaced with a
(possibly) different value when creating individual requests. The new
value is the one that would be returned (if IncludeInResult=true) in the
There are a couple of problems with this. First, it breaks an implicit
contract that prohibits the context handler from changing attribute
values (it can provide more values, but should never change or remove
values from the original request context). Second, it overloads
resource-id with a new meaning that is different from its initial
purpose as a primary identifier of a resource. When used in a multiple
decision request for XML content, resource-id now means something like
"resource selector" in the Request, but reverts to its former meaning as
"primary identifier" in the Response.
I propose that the resource-id attribute should only be used as a
persistent primary identifier for a singleton resource, and that two new
attributes be defined: one for requesting decisions on multiple nodes of
XML content, and another for identifying those nodes in a XACML
response. The proposed AttributeIds are:
Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of the Multiple profile should be rewritten as
2.2.2 Original request context
The original XACML request context <Attributes> element in the resource
category SHALL contain a <Content> element and an attribute with and
AttributeId of
"urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:profile:multiple:resource-selector" and a
DataType of "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:data-type:xpathExpression",
such that the <AttributeValue> of the "resource-selector" attribute is
an XPath expression that evaluates to a nodeset that represents multiple
nodes in the resource category <Content> element. The <Attributes>
element with the resource category SHALL contain a "scope" attribute
with a value of "XPath-expression".
2.2.3 Semantics
Such a request context SHALL be interpreted as a request for
authorization decisions on multiple nodes in the nodeset represented by
the <AttributeValue> of the "resource-selector" attribute. Each such
node SHALL represent an Individual Resource.
Each Individual Decision Request SHALL be identical to the original
request context with two exceptions: the "scope" attribute SHALL NOT be
present and an additional attribute with AttributeId of
SHALL be present. The DataType of this attribute shall be
"urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:data-type:xpathExpression", and the value
SHALL be an XPath expression that evaluates to a single node in the
<Content> element. The IncludeInResult XML attribute SHALL be "true".
The content XML node selected by this Attribute SHALL be the Individual
Resource. If the "resource-selector" attribute in the original request
context contained an Issuer, the "authorized-resource-id" attribute in
the Individual Resource Request SHALL contain the same Issuer.
See these emails for previous comments on this issue:
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