OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  [xacml] Functions 0.9

    Posted 09-12-2002 21:18
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xacml message

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    Subject: [xacml] Functions 0.9

    Here is the new function document.
    Michiharu, I trust that you see the new "Higher Order Sequence Functions"
    will solve your previous concerns.
    This document requires a small schema change, adding a <Function> element
    to appear in the ApplyType.
    Also, I've incorporated most of the specifications that Anne had dug up
    and created for the specification of functions dealing with "type-equal"
    and string matches. Thanks Anne.
    There are still functions that need specification, such as dealing with
    dateTime arithmetic and comparisons, and the X500 name and rfc822 name
    matching alogorithms. If anybody would care to cough up and create solid
    defintions for them, send them my way. Otherwise, I don't have the time to
    research and specify them, and then of course, have arguments about them.
    Then what to do?
    So after we rehash this document a bit, we probably should come up with a
    Change Request to incorporate the document and make the schema change.
    The schema change needed is as folllows:
    <!-- ADDED BY CR -->
    <xs:complexType name="FunctionType">
        <xs:attribute name="FunctionId" type="xs:QName" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="Function" type="xacml:FunctionType"/>
    <!-- -->
    <!-- -->
    <xs:complexType name="ApplyType">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xacml:Apply"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:AttributeValue"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:SubjectAttributeDesignatorWhere"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:SubjectAttributeDesignator"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:ResourceAttributeDesignator"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:ActionAttributeDesignator"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:EnvironmentAttributeDesignator"/>
            <xs:element ref="xacml:AttributeSelector"/>
            <!-- ADDED BY CR-->
            <xs:element ref="xacml:Function"/>
        <xs:attribute name="FunctionId" type="xs:QName" use="required"/>
        <!-- Legal types for the first and subsequent operands are
                   defined in the accompanying table -->
    <!-- -->

    Attachment: XACML_functions0.9.DOC
    Description: Binary data

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