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Re: [xacml] Modeling Delegation of Rights in a simplified XACML withHaskell

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] Modeling Delegation of Rights in a simplified XACML withHaskell

    Posted 12-04-2003 14:28
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xacml] Modeling Delegation of Rights in a simplified XACML withHaskell

    [Resend with right From address for list - Von]
    Frank Siebenlist writes (21:21 December 3, 2003):
     > But, also permit-overrides doesn't address all the use cases well...
    Frank - can you elaborate on the hitches here?
     > The real issue with this access right => delegation right model is that one can 
     > narrow the scope of the resource and actions in every subsequent delegation 
     > statement, but you can't narrow the subject.
    Just to make sure I understand, what you mean by this is that is,
    e.g., I delegate "Boat:Drive" to Frank, I have no way of controlling
    who Frank may delegate "Boat:Drive" to (besides preventing him from
    delegating at all)?
     > The more correct way to address this is a scheme where the admin policy is 
     > expressed as a function of the tuple (issuer, subject, resource, action), with 
     > attributes of course. This allows a PDP to specify that an other subject as 
     > issuer, john, is allowed to specify access control policy for the subject mary 
     > on resource boat and action drive. In other words, the PDP can narrow down the 
     > potential subjects that john is allowed to manage the access rights for, to a 
     > single mary.
    I assume it is still the case that someone has to have a right to
    delegate it?
    Walking through the broker use case (#2):
    PDP says Frank has some set of rights... (Frank, Boat, Drive), (Frank,
    Car, Drive), etc.
    PDP says Frank may delegate any rights to anyone "(Frank, *, *, *)"
    Frank says Broker can drive boat "Frank says (Broker, Boat, Drive)
    Frank says Broker can delegate drive boat to anyone "Frank says
    (Broker, *, Boat, Drive)"
    Broker says resource can drive boat "Broker says (Resource, Boat,
    Could this be modeled with an "Allowed delegatees" attribute on
    PDP says Frank has some set of rights and can delegate to anyone
    (Frank, Boat, Drive, Allowed_delegatees=*), (Frank,
    Car, Drive,  Allowed_delegatees=*), etc.
    Frank says Broker can drive boat and can delegate to anyone "Frank
    says (Broker, Boat, Drive, Allowed_delegatees=*)
    Broker says resource can drive boat "Broker says (Resource, Boat,
    Drive" (no Allowed_delegates indicated undelegatable right)
     > The latter was essentially what I initially proposed at the last F2F, and I'm 
     > trying to model this again in similar fashion as the others. I actually believe 
     > that we could implement this in the current xacml, by defining an 
     > issuing-subject category for the request context's subjects, with the addition 
     > of associating issuers with a policy/policyset.
     > In the end, I hope that we can make a choice between the different combinator 
     > and reduction schemes, and find the one that makes most sense, is easiest to 
     > understand and least "surprising".
     > Regards, Frank.
     > -- 
     > Frank Siebenlist               franks@mcs.anl.gov
     > The Globus Alliance - Argonne National Laboratory
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