Hi Paul,
I updated the links.
If you (or anyone else) has a chance, please check for any errors,
omissions, or desired changes.
In particular,
- I was not sure exactly what to do with the Open Document Format
ref, so I moved it to the bottom of the list.
- Also, under XSPA, I added a link to that TC for more info and
moved it down, as I think updates to that spec are happening at the
XSPA site, but I think it is also desirable to retain a link to that
work in one form or other.
Tyson, Paul H wrote:
3898C40CCD069D4F91FCD69C9EFBF096049299EE@txamashur004.ent.textron.com" type="cite">
Who can update the links on the home page to the current set of CDs?
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