OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] Extension of higher-order bag function

  • 1.  [xacml] Extension of higher-order bag function

    Posted 09-23-2002 10:05
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Extension of higher-order bag function

    I am wondering whether or not XACML allows policy writer to extend
    higher-order bag functions. Since current set support sufficient operations
    on bag(s), how about disallowing to extend higher-order bag functions (at
    least at ver 1.0)?  It makes things simpler.
    Michiharu Kudo
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
    Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642   Fax +81 (46) 273-7428

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