OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] Decimal Arithmetic Standard

  • 1.  [xacml] Decimal Arithmetic Standard

    Posted 08-23-2002 10:48
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Decimal Arithmetic Standard

    I've found a specification document that outlines in an understandable
    fashion the IEEE and ANSI and ITU standards for arithmetic and
    number conversions.
    However, we still have to list a number of defaults for handling the
    arithmetic, not only for the explict "round" operation, but especially for
    "rounding" durning operations such as divide and "decimal-to-integer".
    I gather we have not yet found a standard for Date arithmetic.

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