This is an update to the XACML 2.0 errata. It contains the following
- Correct location of policy schema in import in the context schema. (Issue
- Deprecate use of the XACML 1.0 subject-category attribute id and remove
it from the examples. (Issue 79)
- Fix incorrect cross reference in section 2.7 (issue 80)
- Clarify the text on Indeterminate and status value in case of missing
attributes (issue 83)
- Fix typos (sorry, dont remember which ones anymore)
Note that issue 83 has been discussed on the list, and no formal decision
has been made yet at a meeting, but it is a fairly obvious mistake in the
spec, so I fixed it now without formal approval to speed things up. Please
review sections 5.42 and "Missing attributes" in section 7 and raise any
objections. (The missing attributes section has no number for some reason.
I suspect the doc has been touched by open office. :-))
Best regards,
-- Erik Rissanen
The document named has
been submitted by Erik Rissanen to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control
Markup Language (XACML) TC document repository.
Document Description:
This is an update to the XACML 2.0 errata. It contains the following
- Correct location of policy schema in import in the context schema. (Issue
- Deprecate use of the XACML 1.0 subject-category attribute id and remove
it from the examples. (Issue 79)
- Fix incorrect cross reference in section 2.7 (issue 80)
- Clarify the text on Indeterminate and status value in case of missing
attributes (issue 83)
- Fix typos (sorry, dont remember which ones anymore)
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-OASIS Open Administration