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One more item for Anne's 2.0 list: Policy check on PDP after receivingrequest

  • 1.  One more item for Anne's 2.0 list: Policy check on PDP after receivingrequest

    Posted 08-12-2003 19:36
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: One more item for Anne's 2.0 list: Policy check on PDP after receivingrequest

    36. Policy check on PDP after receiving request
        The PDP should check whether the requester, i.e. subject associated
        with the context handler,  is allowed to ask for the authorization
        decision. We need to be able to state this in a policy statement,
        and describe the correct operating procedure.
        STATUS: potential work item.  Related item#1
        PROPOSAL: ???
        CHAMPION: Frank Siebenlist
    Frank Siebenlist              franks@mcs.anl.gov
    The Globus Project - Argonne National Laboratory

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