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Subject: RE: [xacml] Groups - oasis-xacml-profile-multiple-resources-wd-03.pdf uploaded
Line numbers from PDF versions
Hi Anne - Here are some comments on the multiple resources profile. All the
best. Tim.
In sections 3.1.3 and 3.2.3 outcomes of "Indeterminate" and "NotApplicable"
are not currently discussed.
Trivial ...
19 - Include instructions for using the Web form to submit comments (see
text on the front page of the core spec.).
52 - unbold "authorization". Only "decision request" is in the glossary.
121 and elsewhere - I prefer not to use the section title in the section
reference (e.g. Section 4.1:"scope"). This is because it isn't always clear
where the section title ends and the normal text continues.
132 - Change "is the contents of the <AttributeValue>" to "SHALL be the
contents of the <AttributeValue> element".
146 - <children> to <Children> and <descendants> to <Descendants>. Also,
how about a shorter title for sections 2.1 and 2.2. I suggest: "Nodes
identified by scope" and "Nodes identified by XPath"?
In Section 2.1, include a note to the effect that "scope" is defined in
Section 4.
161 - Eliminate duplicate "be".
168 & 170 - Change "the Individual Resources are" to "each Individual
Resource is".
196 - Change "attribute evaluates" to "attribute is an xpath expression that
223 - Correct formatting of <Resource>.
224 - Change "the mechanisms" to "the other mechanisms".
243 - Eliminate duplicate "a".
266 - Eliminate leading space.
277 - Change "containing" to "contains".
277 - Eliminate "That node SHALL be the one corresponding to the new request
context.". I think this is redundant. Isn't it?
295 - Eliminate leading space.
305 - Eliminate "That node SHALL be the one corresponding to the new request
context.". I think this is redundant. Isn't it?