OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] IMPORTANT: XACML Context ?

  • 1.  [xacml] IMPORTANT: XACML Context ?

    Posted 05-06-2002 16:32
    Dear colleagues, Most of you are certainly aware that the Schema subcommittee has been discussing the definition of a XACML context, which would be part of XACML schema, making it fully autonomous w.r.t. the SAML namespace. In the intention of its proposers, the XACML context will allow for evaluating XACML policies in non-SAML environments like Java and CORBA, while retaining full SAML compatibility via suitable transformations from SAML assertions to the XACML context itself. The proposal was discussed at the F2F in Milan and brought to the attention to the whole TC last Thursday. Due to the potential impact of this proposal on the final XACML specification, participants to today's (May 6th) Schema subcommittee meeting asked me to call once again the whole TC attention on it , in order to stimulate discussion. Debate on XACML context will continue on the subcommittee concall of May 13th (please join us!); details on the proposal (including a tentative schema) will also be posted on the site shortly after that date. A final decision on whether to adopt a context or not should be taken on the 16th. Regards to everybody Ernesto Prof. Ernesto Damiani Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione Universita' di Milano - Polo di Crema Via Bramante 65 26013 Crema, Italia tel +39-0373-898240 fax +39-0373-898253