June 2 is not a good day for the NIST participants, and June 9
has been suggested as an alternate date.
Unless there are objections, the followup RBAC/XACML meeting is
rescheduled to be as follows. Carlisle has verified that the
call-in line is available for this time slot.
Date: Monday, 9 June 2003
Time: 10-11:30am EDT (7-8:30am PDT)
Phone#: 512-225-3050
Access code: 65998#
1. Walk through the APIs in the proposed ANSI Standard RBAC
model and identify which ones XACML can be used to implement
and which ones are outside the scope of XACML.
2. Identify next steps
All XACML TC members are invited to attend.
By the way, I have received a request from an XACML user that the
TC should approve the XACML RBAC Profile
a "technical note". I don't think we have a "technical note"
document category :-) but I would like to request that this
document become an XACML TC working draft on track for approval
as a Committee Specification.
Carlisle, could a vote to approve making this an XACML TC working
draft be put onto the agenda for the next TC meeting?
Anne Anderson
Anne H. Anderson Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311 Tel: 781/442-0928
Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA Fax: 781/442-1692