OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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xacml-like authz processing in globus

  • 1.  xacml-like authz processing in globus

    Posted 02-25-2005 00:37
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: xacml-like authz processing in globus

    During the focus group telcon this afternoon, I promised to forward 
    pointers to the list about the current authorization-related work we're 
    doing for globus.
    Two weeks ago, we had our user conference in Boston 
    (www.globusworld.org), where Anne Anderson gave a great introduction 
    about XACML, after which Takuya Mori and I presented about our early 
    work on a generic authorization processing framework that should find 
    its way into the globus runtime in the not-so-far future.
    There is no real oficial documentation yet about this authorization 
    framework, but the presentation proposal we wrote for Tim Moses's 
    workshop gives you a one page description:
    Furthermore, you can find a copy of our GlobusWorld presentation here:
    (I'll send a pointer to Anne's xacml-presentation as soon as I found the 
    final version...)
    My idea was to use one of the upcoming xacml focus group meetings to 
    give a walkthrough of this work as I believe it is relevant to the 
    delegation features that we want to add to xacml.
    Enjoy, Frank.
    Frank Siebenlist franks@mcs.anl.gov
    The Globus Alliance - Argonne National Laboratory

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