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Subject: RE: [xacml] WI#9 Proposal: policies referring to hierarchical resources
>3. Can we possibly be the first group to run up against this
>problem? Why aren't there suitable XML schemas and functions
>already available in some other standard? I have Google'd and
>asked, but have not found anything so far.
Definitely not the first, though I am also unaware on any relevant XML
schema's designed.
One problem with the proposed approach is that it assumes that structure
of the resource hierarchy is not only well defined, but also well known
when the policy is written.
I think a more flexible approach would be to address the hierarchical
policies using some well defined profile for resource attribute
inheritance. That will not impose any particular rigid structure on
customer's resources.
An example of such approach would be to require the "resource-id"
attribute to be a bag that includes some resource specific value and
values of all "parent" resources. Then using some matching and bag
operation one can target a rule to a variety of resource hierarchy
That does not impose performance penalty by itself, as the "hierarchy"
can be effectively reconstructed during policy compilation at the PDP.
But that allows the policy author not to deal with a particular resource
structure before the policy is actually used.
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