OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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InterOp Demo Proposal | HIMSS 2009

  • 1.  InterOp Demo Proposal | HIMSS 2009

    Posted 10-21-2008 19:55
      |   view attached


    Proposal for HIMSS (2).doc   34 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: InterOp Demo Proposal | HIMSS 2009 -- REVISED PROPOSAL

    Posted 10-30-2008 15:49
    Hello Everyone,
    Due to recent developments in our negotiation process with the folks at
    HIMSS, we're pleased to be able to now offer all our XACML TC Members a
    discounted InterOp participant fee of $3,500. In addition, HIMSS is allowing
    us to place our InterOp booth within their Interoperability Showcase Area,
    so our attendee exposure will increase tremendously. We hope both of these
    new developments will make your choice to participate much easier.  Please
    feel free to contact Dee Schur or myself at anytime with questions.    
    Regards, Jane
    BTW: Sign-up deadline is still November 17, 2008.