OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] 16f change requests

  • 1.  [xacml] 16f change requests

    Posted 08-15-2002 10:20
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xacml message

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    Subject: [xacml] 16f change requests

    Schema v16f updates:


    Change Request:

      Add an identifier for an Action Attribute that means that the
      Action to be performed is contained in or implied by the name
      of the Resource.

    Change Request:

      In context-16f.xsd, the AttributeValue element does not have a
      DataType xml attribute.  I request that this be added.


    16g: Issuer of Attribute is xs:string

    16g: Action element reference in Target (was not a global element)

    16g: PolicyIdReference

    16g: PolicySetIdReference

    16g: DataType attribute for AttributeSelector

    16g: Pass <SubjectAttributeDesignator> as an argument to <Apply>.



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