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Subject: Re: [xacml] SAML Issues for issues list
For PM-5-18, I am preparing the resolution. I am not clear on what PM-5-19
is about.
Michiharu Kudo
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642 Fax +81 (46) 273-7428
Ken Yagen
<kyagen@crosslogi To: "XACML (XACML Mailing List)" <>> cc:
Subject: [xacml] SAML Issues for issues list
2002/07/09 03:25
Please respond to
Ken Yagen
I am attempting to update the issues list but do not have specifics on the
status of these two issues. Can someone help me fill in the blanks? Also,
if you have any other issues to go into the next version of the list,
please send them to me today.
ISSUE:[PM-5-18: Request/Response Context]
XACML context schema needs to be supported by SAML.
Michiharu is attempting to transform the context schema to a SAML profile.
Will this require changes to SAML?
Needs to support multiple responses, hierarchal resources, queries about
hierarchal resources....
Proposed Resolution: ?
Champion: ?
Status: Open
ISSUE:[PM-5-19: Authorization Decision]
Does this relate to a new authorization decision request type required for
SAML that can support XACML requests?
Proposed Resolution: :?
Champion: ?
Status: Open
Ken Yagen
Director Engineering
CrossLogix, Inc.
Enterprise Scale Entitlement for Leveraging Corporate Data(tm)
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