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Re: [xacml] NotApplicable and combining algs

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] NotApplicable and combining algs

    Posted 08-26-2004 15:17
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xacml] NotApplicable and combining algs

    On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 10:47, Polar Humenn wrote:
    > > Shouldn't I be free to write a combining algorithm, for example, that
    > > returns Deny if no elements apply?
    > Of course, you can write combining algorithms that return Permit when
    > everything states Deny. You are free to do what you want. There is nothing
    > that stops you from doing that. However, I would think, that you would
    > have to state the exact reasons for doing so.
    Wrong. In its current state, the spec specifically permits me from
    writing a combining algorithm that returns Deny when no elements apply.
    This is the issue I'm raising.
    > In anycase, these are some of the guidelines to follow, and basically
    > makes things work with some expectation of consistency. Much like the
    > applicability predicate (target) of each rule, which states that the
    > result of a rule is only combined if the target is true.
    We're not talking about guidelines. I'm fine with providing guidelines
    and suggestions. We're talking about explicitly forbidding something
    that I don't think we want to forbid.
    > > I think it's clear that we don't want that model.
    > Well, I guess I won't speak for the group, but I want that model, which
    > gives integrity and consistency to the logic, and has the ability to
    > compose policies in an expected manor.
    Polar, have I suggested anything that would throw caution to the wind?
    No, so stop with the drama :) I simply want the spec to allow me as the
    author of a combining algorithm to decide what result to return if none
    of my elements is applicable. That's the only issue I've raised.
    > > Basically, I think this is another case where we should say that the
    > > combining algorithm decides, and it just so happnes that all the
    > > standard algorithms return NotApplicable in this case.
    > What's the use case, other than some convience?
    I provided two use cases, and you added a third (replacing Permit
    fall-though rules). None of these three cases is far-fetched.
    > You can use the standard algorithms, and put "default" rules with true
    > applicability predicates and true conditions, and get a never return
    > NotApplicable result.
    Yes, of course you can. But it's extra processing, and (based on many
    conversations with XACML users) very error-prone. It is much cleaner to
    have a combining algorithm with a default behavior when nothing applies.
    This is based on a year of experience helping people write policies with
    fall-through rules.

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