This is a major revision of "XACML profile for Web-services (WSPL)",
designed to address the current Web Services policy environment. It
contains some core functionality from WSPL, but confines its use to
authorization, access control, and privacy Assertions for use with
WS-Policy. It also adds two new specification sections: use of XACML
authorization decisions as authorization tokens, and conveyance of
Attributes for use by an XACML Context Handler as part of Web Services
This draft is not complete. It is being published now for feedback and
discussion on the scope and general direction.
-- Anne Anderson
The document named Web Services Profile of XACML (WS-XACML) Version 1.0
(xacml-3.0-profile-webservices-spec-v1.0-wd-5-en.pdf) has been submitted by
Anne Anderson to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML) TC document repository.
Document Description:
This is Working Draft 5 of the Web Services Profile of XACML (the old name
was "XACML profile for Web-services (WSPL)", and has been changed to match
new conventions). It specifies ways to use XACML in the context of Web
Services for authorization, access control, and privacy policies.
This new profile differs from the previous version in addressing individual
authorization, access control, and privacy policy assertions, rather than
generic Web Services policies or association of such policies with policy
targets. This new profile also specifies use of XACML authorization
decisions as authorization tokens in SOAP message headers, and conveyance
of Attributes for use by an XACML Context Handler in SOAP message headers.
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-OASIS Open Administration