OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Summary of AttributeAssignment discussion

  • 1.  Summary of AttributeAssignment discussion

    Posted 04-01-2004 17:13
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xacml message

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    Subject: Summary of AttributeAssignment discussion

    AttributeAssignment is used in an Obligation to specify attribute
    values. Specifically, an AttributeAssignment _is_ an AttributeValue. The
    question was whether this form
      <AttributeAssignment DataType="...string"
    or this form
      <AttributeAssignment DataType="...string"
        <AttributeValue DataType="...string">bar</AttributeValue>
    is the correct way to express an assignment of type string and value
    We agreed that the first form is correct, since AttributeAssignment is
    an AttributeValue, and therefore should follow the behavior that any
    other AttributeValue has. This does not requre any changes to normative
    text, but it does require changes to examples. It might be useful to add
    text in section 5 where AttributeAssignment is described, but I do not
    believe it is needed once the examples are cleaned up.
    Note that the second form is not illegal, though it may not use string
    as the datatype (see my previous summary of the legal string value
    discussion). The second form, given a valid datatype, or given encoded
    tags, would simply have different meaning (it would be a string
    containing the entire XML element, not just the value "bar").

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