OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Proposed functional enhancement - Optional return of policy idsof policies applicable to request

    Posted 08-13-2008 20:36
    This is something we talked about a long time ago and I sort of forgot about it. I am now proposing we add it to 3.0. If everybody is ok with the idea, I will propose specific text.
    As a feature for administration, debugging, what if processing and user performance improvement I think it would be convenient to be able to ask the PDP to return a list of all the policy Ids of the policies which were found to be applicable during the evaluation of a particular decision. Note that because of optimization, this list might not contain all the policies applicable to the request (if the PDP got the answer w/o evaluating them all). This implies that two different implementations might return different results.
    Basically this would require a flag in the request to indicate that the Ids are requested and an element in the response to contain the list. The proposal is to do this in core, not just in the SAML Req/Resp.
    Implementation would be optional. However, in order to do reduction, you need to track this anyway.

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] Proposed functional enhancement - Optional return of policy ids of policies applicable to request

    Posted 08-14-2008 01:01
    Hal Lockhart wrote:
    > This is something we talked about a long time ago and I sort of forgot
    > about it. I am now proposing we add it to 3.0. If everybody is ok with the
    > idea, I will propose specific text.
    > As a feature for administration, debugging, what if processing and user
    > performance improvement I think it would be convenient to be able to ask
    > the PDP to return a list of all the policy Ids of the policies which were
    > found to be applicable during the evaluation of a particular decision.
    > Note that because of optimization, this list might not contain all the
    > policies applicable to the request (if the PDP got the answer w/o
    > evaluating them all). This implies that two different implementations
    > might return different results.
    I whole-heartedly agree with adding this feature.
    Since the objective is to describe what actually was evaluated to
    reach an outcome, I do not see any problem in two implementations
    returning different responses if the rule set(s) was(were) written
    to be nondeterministic.
    For efficient implementation, "short circuit" evaluation should
    be allowed where possible -- mere logging feature should not
    force you to the expense of full evaluation.
    Also, when folks optimize the rule sets into their internal
    representations, it is common that mapping to original rules
    gets a little blurred. I think we should view this policy id log
    as an analog to C compiler reporting yacc source line numbers: there
    is a connection, but due to optimization it is not guaranteed
    to be linear. The log output would be for consumption by
    human expert who understand the issues, and the tools they use.
    > Basically this would require a flag in the request to indicate that the
    > Ids are requested and an element in the response to contain the list. The
    > proposal is to do this in core, not just in the SAML Req/Resp.
    > Implementation would be optional. However, in order to do reduction, you
    > need to track this anyway.
    Seems straight forward. Any chance of adding this as optional
    to XACML 2.0 as well?
    > Hal

  • 3.  Re: [xacml] Proposed functional enhancement - Optional return of policy ids of policies applicable to request

    Posted 08-14-2008 01:35
    Hi Sampo and Hal,
    This information (which PolicySet, Policy and Rules were applicable)
    closely relates to audit requirements around why a certain response was
    given.  An approach we could take would be to define a set of audit
    obligations that return this information.
    Using audit obligations would allow XACML 2.0 to have this feature as well.
    However, the requesting of this information wouldn't be per-request, it
    would be enabled for the entire PDP.
    Craig Forster
    Software Engineer
    IBM Australia Development Labs
      From:       sampo@symlabs.com                                                                                                  
      To:         "hal.lockhart@oracle.com" 

  • 4.  RE: [xacml] Proposed functional enhancement - Optional return of policy ids of policies applicable to request

    Posted 08-14-2008 13:20
    (Note -- not sure I am able to post to this list, so specified
    addressees may be the only ones receiving.) 
    It is of great interest to us (DHS) to be able to answer the question of
    why access was granted (or not) to a resource.  However, I wonder if it
    might be useful to distinguish between the detailed analysis of which
    particular rules led to a decision, vs. recording the assertion by a PDP
    that a defined policy set was applied, e.g.,
    homelandSecurityPolicySetv2008-08-01. Analysis of the efficiency or
    effectiveness or accuracy or whatever of the policy set could be done as
    a separate "design-time" process, during which the particular rule or
    rules that did or didn't fire could be examined, modeled, etc. I would
    see this approach as being analogous to other "standards profile"
    strategies, where it is desirable to be able to confirm that the current
    required profile is implemented, without having to worry with the
    details of the profile. 
    Martin F Smith
    Chief, National Security Systems Branch
    DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis
    NAC 19-410
    (202) 447-3743 desk
    (202) 441-9731 mobile
    (800) 417-6930 pager