OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: [office] Suggestion for bullet numbering

  • 1.  Re: [office] Suggestion for bullet numbering

    Posted 03-24-2003 15:01
    Hi David,
    adding the UNICODE character codes that are commonly used by office apps 
    to the specification shouldn't be a problem.
    Best regards
    David Faure wrote:
    > Hash: SHA1
    > On Wednesday 19 March 2003 19:30, Uche Ogbuji wrote:
    >>Originally sent 17 March: got mailing list errors...
    >>>Hash: SHA1
    >>>On Monday 10 March 2003 18:49, Philip Boutros wrote:
    >>>>Hi David
    >>>>The glyphs associated with Unicode characters are well defined. Code points, like "25A0 (BLACK SQUARE)", exist for all the symbols you describe. 
    >>>>Given this, is there really a need to add an extra set?
    >>>>If KWord chooses a mapping from its generic bullets to Unicode characters 
    >>>>and supports this mapping on import and export then there would be no data 
    >>>>loss to and from the open office format. 
    >>>>One issue is that there are several things in Unicode that look like a "small circle" but have different code points. Same for squares, arrows, etc. 
    >>>Exactly, that's the problem. A filter, or another word processor, will never know
    >>>if it handles all the possible cases, simply because there are too many
    >>>Without starting OO or looking into an existing, can you tell which Unicode
    >>>codes it's going to use, for those 8 bullets it offers? I guess not - which means
    >>>one would have to do this by a "reverse-engineer" method (save and inspect).
    >>>What about the following compromise? The file format isn't changed,
    >>>but the documentation for it lists the unicode chars used for those
    >>>common bullets. That way a filter can easily know which if()s it has to write
    >>>(err I mean switch/case ;).
    >>I think this compromise is best.  Of course it assumes that there will indeed 
    >>be a Unicode glyph for every bullet type a word proc app wants to use. 
    > Can someone add to the file format documentation the list of bullet codes that
    > are commonly used (e.g. by OOo)? I think an OOo developer would be the
    > best person for that ;)
    > - -- 
    > David FAURE, faure@kde.org, sponsored by TrollTech to work on KDE,
    > Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).
    > How to write a Makefile.am for KDE/Qt code:
    > http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/makefile_am_howto.html
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    Michael Brauer                          Phone:  +49 40 23646 500
    Technical Lead Software Engineering     Fax:    +49 40 23646 550
    Star Office Software Entwicklungs GmbH
    Sachsenfeld 4                           e-mail: michael.brauer@sun.com
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany