OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Proposal for cursor position

  • 1.  Proposal for cursor position

    Posted 12-08-2003 11:55
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Proposal for cursor position

    Dear TC members,
    an action item for me is to create a proposal for the representation of 
    the cursor position within one ore more document views.
    As agreed in the 24 Nov con call, there should be an element that marks 
    possible cursor positions in the content. I propose to use an 
    <text:view-mark> here that can occur within <text:p> and <text:h> 
    elements. <text:view-mark> has a single attribute "text:id" that takes 
    the unique id of the mark. <text:view-mark> simply marks a text position 
    so that it is referencable from somewhere else within a file. The 
    element has to be ignored if such a reference does not exists.
    Within the application specific settings, I propose to add an config 
    item set with the name "office:view-settings". The only config item 
    supported is an indexed map with name "Views". Each of the map entries 
    supports the string properties "ViewId" and "CursorPosition". "ViewId" 
    contains the name of the view. It allows applications to specify 
    additional properties for the same view within other config item sets. 
    "CursorPosition" contains the id of a <text:view-mark> element within 
    the content.
    An example for this could be
       <config:config-item-set config:name="office:view-settings">
        <config:config-item-map-indexed config:name="Views">
          <config:config-item config:name="ViewId"
          <config:config-item config:name="CursorPos"
          <config:config-item config:name="ViewId"
          <config:config-item config:name="CursorPos"
       <config:config-item-set config:name="ooo:view-settings">
        <config:config-item-map-indexed config:name="Views">
          <config:config-item config:name="ViewId"
          <!-- more application specific items for "view2" -->
    <text:p>My Test<text:view-pos text:id="view2pos"/>.</text:p>
    <text:p>My Test<text:view-pos text:id="view1pos"/>.</text:p>
    Best regards

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