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Subject: Re: [office] 3.1.17 Editing Duration
Hi Patrick,
Patrick Durusau wrote:
> Greetings,
> The second paragraph of 3.1.17 Editing Duration reads:
> The duration is represented in the manner described in � of ISO
> 8601. See [ISO8601].
> Comment:
> Note that this is inconsistent with the treatment of Reload Delay, for
> which I have suggested the following corrected text:
> To conform with the time period format of ISO 8601, the format of the
> value of this attribute is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. See � of ISO 8601 for
> more detailed information on this time format. See [ISO8601].
> Thinking that we should be consistent with the information that we
> provide about attribute values.
> Suggest:
> The duration is represented in the time period format of ISO 8601, that
> is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. See � of ISO 8601 for more detailed
> information on this time format. See [ISO8601].
Taking the changes into account that we agreed on Monday, I've changed
the paragraph to
The duration is represented in the duration data type of [xmlschema-2],
that is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. See �3.2.6 of [xmlschema-2] for more detailed
information on this duration format.
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