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Subject: Fwd: OpenDocument spec problem (drawing page names)
Please find below a discussion about a problem in the spec for presentation programs.
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Subject: OpenDocument spec problem
Date: Sunday 22 January 2006 09:14
From: Thorsten Zachmann <>
To: David Faure <>
Hello David,
When I was trying to fix the the custom slide show feature in kpresenter I
think I found a problem in the opendocument spec.
In 9.1.4 Drawing Pages there is defined that a page name can be set by using
the draw:name attribute. It also says that if it is used it has to be unique.
Also there is a unique draw:id attribute for a page.
Problem in KPresenter:
In kpresenter it is possible to have the same name for different slides which
I think is good as the user can do so if he wants.
The problem is that in 9.11.6 Show Definitions it is defined to use the
draw:name of the page as reference to the slides used in custom slide show.
Problem in OOo-impress:
If you name Slide 1 "page1" and you save and reload the document it will say
"Slide 1" as name for the slide. This is because OOo-impress uses pageX as
the default when none is there.
So you can trick OOo-impress to generate 2 times draw:name="page3" if you set
no name for slide 3 and set the name for slide 2 to page3. If you do so the
custom slide show feature will no longer work as expected. (No bug reported
To solve the problem of having such problems in the first place I think the
OpenDocument spec should be changed to use draw:id to identify the different
pages instead of the draw:name as the draw:name can changed by user input.
Also the draw:name should not have to be unique.
Can you talk about this in the OASIS OpenDocument Group please? If you need
more information you know how to find me :-).
To solve this problem for kpresenter 1.5 I will add a koffice:name
additionally and will use the draw:name as OOo-impress does at the moment.
Have a nice day,
David Faure,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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