Hi Florian,
Florian Reuter wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> === wrt. to questions regarding F1 ===
> We're talking about b).
>> What is with a). Is my assumption correct that you believe this
>> requirement is met?
>> What is the case for an ODF 1.2 document that does not use the new the
>> text:continue-list attribute, but only attributes that ODF 1.1 actually
>> supports? Will it be displayed correctly in your opinion?
> This is very hard to state, since everytime I came up with an example I was told that ODF1.0/ODF1.1 isn't clear about
> this. This is where my F2 requirement comes from.
> So when I understood correctly you once summarized in a TC meeting that numbered-paragraph are not specified and that
> text:list are not specified when they are split.
Sorry, but I cannot remember to have said this. What I can remember is
that I have said that the current ODF specification does not specify how
numbered paragraphs can be combined to lists (which for me personally
means that all numbered paragraphs form a single list), and that lists
do not have a feature to specify an individual list style for a single item.
> So you concluded that F1) is never an issue for numbered-paragraphs, since they where not specified at all.
> You also conluded that F1) is never an issue for text:list, since they also have specification holes.
I cannot remember to ever have concluded one of these two things.
> === wrt. to questions regarding F4 ===
>> So, can you please explain to me why you think a screen reader would come to a different result.
> I guess the OOo screen reader will read whats displayed and thus the statement "it looks the same" is true. However
> readers which are not build upon the layout will come to a different result.
> The concern came into my mind when reading the HTML spec. There is a sample regarding tables and screen reader and the
> screen reader here clearly operated on the XML structure.
Sorry, but I still do nut understand that. The initial list and the
resulting list have the same structure, only the style assignments are
Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH Nagelsweg 55
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