OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  The problem of visible hashes for protection keys

    Posted 10-30-2010 18:49
    We know that, using XML documents, it is easy to subvert a lock on text or
    spreadsheet documents that involves locking material against changes (but
    not reading).  When the lock is itself locked against removal using a
    password hash, this exposes the password used for the hash to compromise.
    The problem is the desire by folks to reuse familiar, memorable passwords
    for this purpose when the memorable  password is also used to protect
    something that is of serious high value.  (That is to say, the password is
    more valuable than the trivial-to-break lock in the document.)
    Some bad news:
    Note that memorable passwords are not the hard ones to crack, and increasing
    the strength of the hash will not do much to protect memorable passwords
    from discovery against this kind of computational power.
    Note: This attack does not work against the PBKDF2 methods used for ODF 1.2
    encryption, because the start password is never revealed.  On the other
    hand, the techniques by which the password-hash attack were accelerated so
    much is probably a reason for concern that the various vulnerabilities of
    the ODF 1.2 encryption will be too-soon exploitable as a practical matter.
    My personal assumption is that no well-informed government body or
    commercial entity that is concerned about document confidentiality will
    allow use of the ODF 1.x encryption and would require very strong
    whole-package encryption techniques, whether defined for ODF documents or
    not.  In that regard, the ETSI draft that we have been asked to comment on
    has moved ahead of us in the level of confidentiality-by-encryption that it
    attains for Zip-packaged documents.
     - Dennis
    Dennis E. Hamilton
    NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability 
    mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430 
    http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org 

  • 2.  RE: [office] The problem of visible hashes for protection keys

    Posted 10-30-2010 19:15
    The problem here is the key derivation function. There are two factors that most significantly affect the efficiency of recovering a password from a derived key:
    1) The number of operations needed to derive the key
    2) Whether a _random_ salt has been used, and the number of bits present in the salt
    The salt protects against what is known as a rainbow table attack. If no salt is present, then one rainbow table can be used to brute force all the passwords very quickly. As the number of bits grows, so does the number of rainbow tables needed to make the attack. This is why Microsoft Office uses 16 bytes of salt for password verifiers, and derives the salt completely randomly, using a verified source of randomness. I don't recall whether this is still present in the ODF spec, but there was a clause that said the random number generator should be initialized with the time - that's incorrect, as the time can be guessed, and that actually hurts the overall randomness. All we should specify is that there should be some number of bytes of random data. How to get random data is up to the implementation, and is highly platform-dependent.
    The number of repeated hashes should also be very high - Microsoft Office currently use 100,000 iterations. This yields < 10,000 crack/second, even when attacked by a GPU. A well-chosen password can stand up to this number of cracks (assuming that a very large botnet isn't also used) for long enough that the password won't have value when obtained.
    Any time you want to store a password verifier, for example to be used with sheet protection, write protection, etc, PBKDF2 should be used with a good hash, a large iteration count, and a large, random salt.
    Not using salt is what leads to the attacks listed in the URL below.
    From: Dennis E. Hamilton [dennis.hamilton@acm.org]
    Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 11:48 AM
    To: ODF TC List
    Subject: [office] The problem of visible hashes for protection keys
    We know that, using XML documents, it is easy to subvert a lock on text or
    spreadsheet documents that involves locking material against changes (but
    not reading).  When the lock is itself locked against removal using a
    password hash, this exposes the password used for the hash to compromise.
    The problem is the desire by folks to reuse familiar, memorable passwords
    for this purpose when the memorable  password is also used to protect
    something that is of serious high value.  (That is to say, the password is
    more valuable than the trivial-to-break lock in the document.)
    Some bad news:
    Note that memorable passwords are not the hard ones to crack, and increasing
    the strength of the hash will not do much to protect memorable passwords
    from discovery against this kind of computational power.
    Note: This attack does not work against the PBKDF2 methods used for ODF 1.2
    encryption, because the start password is never revealed.  On the other
    hand, the techniques by which the password-hash attack were accelerated so
    much is probably a reason for concern that the various vulnerabilities of
    the ODF 1.2 encryption will be too-soon exploitable as a practical matter.
    My personal assumption is that no well-informed government body or
    commercial entity that is concerned about document confidentiality will
    allow use of the ODF 1.x encryption and would require very strong
    whole-package encryption techniques, whether defined for ODF documents or
    not.  In that regard, the ETSI draft that we have been asked to comment on
    has moved ahead of us in the level of confidentiality-by-encryption that it
    attains for Zip-packaged documents.
     - Dennis
    Dennis E. Hamilton
    NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability
    mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430
    http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org
    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
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  • 3.  RE: [office] The problem of visible hashes for protection keys

    Posted 10-30-2010 20:12
    Right.  We use unsalted SHA1 hashes (but not in the encryption methods) in
    our password verifiers for sheet protection, write protection, etc.  Since
    folks want to *keep* using their memorable passwords and have been
    frightened about stories concerning hash collisions, we agreed to recommend
    SHA256 instead of SHA1.  That pandering has it appear that we have
    accomplished something concerning the confidentiality of those passwords.
    (Elsewhere, I equate this to security theater.)
     - Dennis
      PS: The more-complicated worries about the ODF 1.x encryption method is
    that, along with its complexity (always a warning sign) is the fact that
    information about the plaintext is leaked in a way that can reveal
    high-value documents and also exposes known-plaintext attacks on those
    document, especially considering that the document is durable and an
    attacker may have a significant amount of time to carry out an attack.  This
    is a speculative risk, but I assume prudence dictates finding a method that
    does not have such fragility as a concern.

  • 4.  Re: [office] The problem of visible hashes for protection keys

    Posted 10-31-2010 15:36
    If you want to raise a new issue, please enter it into JIRA.  If this is 
    an existing issue, also please enter the comments into JIRA.  That is 
    where we are tracking issues.