OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Typos and details inOpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt

    Posted 11-08-2010 17:25
    Hi Patrick, *,
    I found the following typos/details in
    * 9.1.10 

  • 2.  Re: Typos and details inOpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt

    Posted 11-08-2010 17:38
    Depending on what is agreed to tomorrow, I will probably do another drop
    on Weds. of this week. With all these corrections present!
    Hope you are at the start of a great week!
    On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 17:55 +0100, Eike Rathke wrote:
    > Hi Patrick, *,
    > I found the following typos/details in
    > OpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt
    > * 9.1.10 

  • 3.  Re: [office] Typos and details inOpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt

    Posted 11-11-2010 02:40
    On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 17:55 +0100, Eike Rathke wrote:
    > Hi Patrick, *,
    > I found the following typos/details in
    > OpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt
    > * 9.1.10 

  • 4.  Re: [office] Typos and details inOpenDocument-v1.2-cd05-part1-editor-revision_04.odt

    Posted 11-11-2010 18:31
    Hi Patrick,
    On Wednesday, 2010-11-10 21:38:41 -0500, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > > * 19.358 number:rfc-language-tag
    > > 
    > >   The replacing paragraph says "Producers may add support for consumers
    > >   that don't support the number:rfc-language-tag attribute by specifying
    > >   number:language, number:script and number:country attributes with
    > >   values that are implementation-dependent."
    > >   
    > >   That is quite contradictionary to the original and now deleted
    > >   intention "If a fall-back is provided for consumers that do not
    > >   support the number:rfc-language-tag attribute, producers should add
    > >   number:language, number:script and number:country attributes whose
    > >   values are as close as possible to the actual value of the
    > >   number:rfc-language-tag attribute. The values of these attributes
    > >   shall not contradict to the value of the number:rfc-language-tag
    > >   attribute."
    > > 
    > Why is this contradictory? Same question for the next one. 
    Contradictory in the sense that replacing "as close as possible" with
    "implementation-dependent" does not get the original intention across.
    > Any "close as possible" setting is going to be implementation dependent.
    > Yes?
    Only a little ;-)  Yes, the actual "close as possible" values may be
    implementation-dependent, but in the context of BCP47/RFC5646 and ISO
    639 and ISO 15924 and ISO 3166, the *:language, *:script and *:country
    attributes shall not contradict the *:rfc-language-tag value. For
    example, a *:rfc-language-tag='eu-biscayan-ES' could have accompanying
    *:language='eu' and *:country='ES' attributes, but *:language='en' and
    *:country='US' would not match at all and be contradictory.
    > >   Suggested correction:
    > > 
    > >   "Producers may add support for consumers that don't support the
    > >   number:rfc-language-tag attribute by specifying number:language,
    > >   number:script and number:country attributes with values as close as
    > >   possible to the actual value of the number:rfc-language-tag
    > >   attribute. Producers shall not use values for these attributes that
    > >   contradict the value of the table:rfc-language-tag attribute."
    If we need the "implementation-dependent" wording somewhere I suggest
    "Producers may add support for consumers that don't support the
    number:rfc-language-tag attribute by specifying implementation-dependent
    number:language, number:script and number:country attributes with values
    as close as possible to the actual value of the number:rfc-language-tag
    attribute. Producers shall not use values for these attributes that
    contradict the value of the table:rfc-language-tag attribute."
    > > * 19.598 table:condition
    > > 
    > >   "is-true-formula(expression): true if evaluation of the expression
    > >   yields a value that converts to logical type value true in the
    > >   semantics for the expression; false otherwise."
    > >   is added to both, "The defined conditions are:" and "The defined value
    > >   conditions are:"
    > > 
    > >   Having is-true-formula(expression) listed under both, defined
    > >   conditions and defined value conditions, does not make sense. There is
    > >   no difference. I propose to remove it from the defined value
    > >   conditions and list it only under defined conditions. See
    > >   http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-3493
    > >   which I set to "edits rejected".
    > OK, I checked the issue, are we ok on this one?
    Yes, keep it as is, I overlooked the condition context. I reset the
    issue to Applied.
     Oracle Open Office Calc core developer and i18n transpositionizer.
     Signature key 0x87F8D412 : 2F58 5236 DB02 F335 8304  7D6C 65C9 F9B5 87F8 D412
     OpenOffice.org Engineering at Oracle: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
     Please note that my @sun.com accounts are phasing out, use the
     eike.rathke@oracle.com address instead. Thanks.