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Subject: Re: [office] Formula subcommittee status
Chris Nokleberg wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 02:28:53PM -0400, David A. Wheeler wrote:
> The practical problem with namespaced attribute values is that it
> makes the XML processing pipeline significantly more complex--you have
> to ensure that all the prefixes are sent through in addition to the
> URIs (because the XML parsers themselves are oblivious to attribute
> values).
> If you instead explicitly reserved the prefix "of:" in the OpenFormula
> spec, then downstream processors would not need the namespace prefix
> mappings--they could just look for the literal string "of:". You could
> follow the HTTP or SMTP model of requiring non-standardized prefixes
> to start with "x-".
If it simplifies the processing of formula attributes, then I think it would
in fact be a valid option to reserve a certain namespace prefix for the
formulas defined by the OpenDocument specification itself. This would on the
one hand make simplify the processing of formula attributes, but it would
still allow to use other formula languages and would be compatible with the
current OpenDocument spcification.
> Chris
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