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Subject: Re: [office] Presentation Table Revisit
Thanks Peter and Rich very much for your kind explanation. I understand, and we need patience sometimes.
If anyone is working on the native table solution, I would appreciate much if I can be informed of the progress. Thanks.
Helen Yue>">Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
To elaborate:
The accessibility subteam wanted to have native tables for ODF 1.1. Many people at OASIS want tables to also be dynamic in that table entries would be tied dynamically to the server. It was felt that addressing these requirements and implementing them in time for the State of Mass. rollout was uncontainable for ODF 1.1.
Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
Peter Korn <Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>
Hi Helen,
We completely agree that we should make tables "native" for
presentations. The issue is that (a) we want to not have any
deficiencies compared to MS-Office in ODF 1.1, and (b) we aren't 100%
certain we have everything right for native tables yet.
So, we decided that for ODF 1.1 we would simply use an embedded
spreadsheet for tables imported from Powerpoint slides. In fact, this
isn't really an ODF 1.1 spec. change, since this is a perfectly legal
thing to do. Rather, it is a recommendation for how imported tables
from Powerpoint should be encoded - something we plan to change in
StarOffice/ until such time as we have our final
definition of tables in slides in ODF 1.2.
Does that help explain things?
Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Hi all,
> The discussion on presentation table last night made me confused and
> drives me to ask questions here.
> What I got currently is that, 1) we need to preserve the table
> structure per Acc requirements, 2) ODF v1.0 does not define the
> presentation table, 3)we suggest implementation to import table to
> embedded spreadsheet, 4) we know the embedded spreadsheet act
> differently from presentation native table(we may think ppt table as
> an example), and 5) we may have further table design later in ODFv1.2.
> Another fact is that, OpenOffice 2.0 imports table in ppt as drawing
> group. I also read the discussion before, such as the summary by
> Florian Reuter,
> My questions is, why we do not adopt the "native" table solution? That
> is, to have table as the "first-class citizens" of OpenDocument
> presentations. It seems a "real" table solution. Even if we have not
> get a prefect solution now, I think we can decide the parent element
> of table, such as, if we want to put the <draw:table> under
> <draw:frame>. We can add it to ODF v1.1, and maybe refine it in ODF v1.2.
> If we really can not provide a table solution, we are now actually
> suggesting implementations to imitate presentation table by embedded
> spreadsheet. If we do this, I think that we also need to provide some
> means, or at least some guidance, for implementations.
> Best,
> Helen Yue
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