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Subject: Re: [office] Proposed TC Meeting Agenda Items
Bruce D'Arcus wrote On 01/17/06 15:16,:
> On Jan 17, 2006, at 7:53 AM, Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 -
> Hamburg wrote:
>> Regarding a meta data sub committee. I think that the spectrum of the
>> meta data topic turned out to be much broader than we originally
>> thought. For that reason, I think it might be reasonable to stop the
>> the discussions of meta data proposals for the moment, and to start a
>> discussion what we want to achieve in this area. Given the complexity
>> of the topic I think it would best to do so at a face to face meeting.
> I don't think that's reasonable. There is nothing about this that
> requires a face-to-face meeting, and I have time and financial
> constraints (namely that I don't have a company sponsoring my travel)
> that would make it difficult for me to go to Hamburg.
If the meeting takes places in Hamburg, I'm quite sure that we will be able
to provide dial-in facilities for those who can not attent in person.
Therefore you should be able to participate.
> My perspective on metadata is this:
> We need standardized support for bibliographic metadata. I have been
> telling you this for the past year.
> I can put together my own proposal for that irrespective of the larger
> picture -- that the bibliographic use case is just one among others --
> but that seems rather short-sighted. I am even willing to put together a
> comprehensive proposal.
> I am not happy about delaying this further into yet another year though,
> which will be the effect of what you are proposing.
> The complexity of the metadata issue is really just in the details. They
> are not hard to work out though.
I'm not sure about this. I think the main issue we have with the meta data
discussions is that we don't have a clear picture what we want to achieve.
For that reason, it is difficult if not impossible to figure out whether the
proposals that we have or may receive meet our objectives. That's why I think
that we first should care about these objectives.
If we know what our objectives are, it in fact may be true that the
complexity is in the details only.
Best regards
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