Thanks, Regina! Patrick or I will look into these remaining issues with the latest draft - probably Patrick, as I'm on vacation this week (sorry, Patrick!). Kind regards, Francis On 25/06/2023 14:24, Regina Henschel wrote: Hi Francis, Francis Cave schrieb am 24.06.2023 um 01:22: Dear ODF TC members [..] Patrick and I believe that the changes proposed by Regina and agreed by the TC to resolve issue Office-4030 have now been fully applied, but we would appreciate this being checked by Regina and others before the status of the issue is changed in JIRA and in the spreadsheet. I have found these: 20.404.3 <style:page-layout-properties> The paragraph "The defined value for the style:writing-mode attribute is page: writing mode is inherited from the page that contains the element where this attribute appears." located before the gray auto-generated box has to be deleted. 20.404.6 <style:table-cell-properties> We discussed that on 2023-04-17. Please use the wording as in the chat minutes. "The style:writing-mode attribute of a <style:table-cell-properties> element specifies a layout direction for any descendant element of the cell that has a style assigned with writing mode page and for which the table cell is the closest containing layout object on which the layout direction is specified." Further: The section numbers in the Note part need to be links. 16.2 <style:style> The change is missing. That is the text "Replace paragraph ... with paragraph ...." in the proposal. Kind regards, Regina --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: