Hi all, and here a test document for an image as list label. In LibreOffice I see: 'text', 'char', and 'line' are treated all the same. The reference area for 'text', 'char' and 'line' for "middle" excludes the descenders. That is different from image anchored "as-char", where the descenders are always included. For value 'baseline' the options 'top' and 'bottom' are opposite to that of an image anchored "as-char". 'from-top' has no UI and is interpreted as "middle". In Textmaker 2021 I see: It cannot use images as list labels, the bullet ersatz is always middle to area excluding descenders. Kind regards Regina Attachment: Vertical rel pos in list label.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text