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Subject: Re: [office] Mapping OpenDocuemnt metadata to RDF
To better illustrate what I was talking about, I have attached four graphs.
The first one (graph1.png) would be an expression of (a part of)
OpenDocuemnt's meta-data in RDF. I think it's the most straight forward
way to do it.
In order to extend the metadata, one would create a graph like in the
second illustration (graph1_5.png). This however, is the point where I
am unsure whether it is the 'right way' (in the semantic-web world) to
do this, since it might be a good idea to be able to express the
relationship of the dc:creator and ex:author prefixes.
So, rather then making the statements realting to the prefixes which are
defined by the OpenDocuemnt meta-data schema directly, one could use an
indirection via some blank nodes, that have a well-known nodeID. (Is
there some mechanism in rdf, that would be better suited to do this?).
We would then map the object from the OpenDocument metadata statement to
a statement about that node. This is illustrated in graph2.png.
If one was to make further statements about something that is already
described in part by the OpenDocument metadata, he could make a new
statement about that indirection node. Thus this statement could be
associated with the the subject that the original OpenDocument metadata
was describing (e.g. the author/creator) as is shown in graph3.png
I am currently at a loss to whether a mechanism as described in last two
paragraphs is usefull, and whther this is a clean way to design it. For
instance, the duplication of dc:author and dc:date prefixes (as denoted
by the red squares and double-arrows) seems to be somewhat out of place.
I hope that those of you that have more experience in the semnatic web
field can tell me what would be the best direction here...
All the best,
Lars Oppermann <> Sun Microsystems
Software Engineer - StarOffice Sachsenfeld 4
Phone: +49 40 23646 959 D-20097 Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 23646 550
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