Dear ODF TC members I attach the latest version of the ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet. Recent status changes and remaining issues are highlighted in yellow. Here is a summary of the recent status changes and remaining issues: 1. Removal of revisions from the lists of changes in Appendices in Parts 3 and 4 Purely editorial changes to a section have been removed from the Appendices in Parts 3 and 4. The JIRA issues concerned are: OFFICE-4025, OFFICE-4088, OFFICE-4096, OFFICE-4113 (except changes to function COUNTA in Part 4, Section 6.13.7), OFFICE-4139. 2. OFFICE-3759 There is a purely stylistic issue (font needs to change) still to be fixed in the new entry for 'error' in Table 14 (Part 3, Section 19.389). I expect to fix this before the next TC meeting on Monday. 3. OFFICE-4023 The Resolution field has been updated and the text in Part 3, Section 10.9.1 changed to reflect the TC decision on 30/Oct/23. 4. OFFICE-4072 The duplicate text remains in Part 3, Section 19.197 (same text inserted at start and end of this Section), but I expect to fix this before the next TC meeting. 5. OFFICE-4086 There is still a styling error in headings of Appendix sub-sections. I will try to resolve this before the next TC meeting. 6. OFFICE-4094 The TC decided not to resolve this issue in ODF 1.4. 7. OFFICE-4107 The changes proposed by Michael Stahl and agreed by the TC in June 22 have not been applied. I expect to do so before the next TC meeting. 8. OFFICE-4108 I have corrected a typing error in the Resolution field in JIRA (the attribute is 'style:number-list-format-name', not 'number:number-list-format-name'), and expect to correct this in Part 3, Section 922 before the next TC meeting. The section numbers in the Resolution field have also been updated. 9. OFFICE-4112 This issue has been added to the status sheet. I expect to change the text in line with the Resolution before the next TC meeting. 10. OFFICE-4114 A styling error in Part 4 has been fixed. 11. OFFICE-4115 This issue has been added to the status sheet. The change was actually made at the same time as the change resolved in OFFICE-4030 was made, but this wasn't recorded. It is proposed to add OFFICE-4115 to Appendix G, entry for Appendix E.1. Kind regards, Francis Attachment: ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet 20231117.ods Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet